Remember that village everyone said would help you raise your kids and figure out motherhood?

You finally found it.

Founder & Group Leader, Tina Gauthier, and her family

Invisible. Awestruck. Exhausted. In love. Overwhelmed.

If you’re feeling any or all of these things in the early weeks and years of motherhood, you aren’t alone. Those newborn snuggles have you on Cloud 9, but being home with a baby can be isolating. And even as a second- or third-time mom, postpartum can really mess with your head.

Friends with older kids are in a totally different world. Your parents haven’t dealt with sleep regressions in decades. And friends without kids have no idea what you are going through.  

Meanwhile, your entire life—and even your brain—have changed in the blink of an eye.

Imagine having the space to figure it all out in the company of other moms in the same parenting stage as you are.

When I had my daughter, Charlie, I had read all the books and bought all the gear, but I still felt like something was missing. The new mom experience didn't feel as magical as my friends' Instagram feeds or the stories I had seen on TV. I didn’t know how to ask for help and felt like I was drowning. The isolation felt even more intense when I had my second baby, Luke, during the pandemic.

I kept pushing through, finding support and solidarity where I could because that's what moms do. But in 2022, I got the nudge I needed (from a fellow mom, of course!) to create the community for moms I wished I had. I participated in the NAPS™ Mom Support Group Leader Training certification program and never looked back.

Consider this your permission slip to make space for YOU.

I founded The Supported Mom Initiative to offer Central MA moms like you community, support, and learning opportunities. Come make mom friends who check all the boxes (cool, local, and with kids the same age!) and be seen, heard, and validated while growing as a mother and a person. You deserve it, mama.

 —Tina Gauthier, Founder & Group Leader

Tina is also a regular contributor at Central Mass Mom.
Check out
her posts on motherhood, self-care, and more.

Share the joys, tackle the challenges, and take on motherhood arm-in-arm with other moms who get it.

It’s for YOU.

Playground meetups and parent-child activities are awesome. But they aren’t often the easiest place to meet new friends or have actual conversations. And even if you were super social before having a baby, it can be hard to put yourself out there. Supported Mom groups focus on you and your needs because you deserve it and because when you're at your best, your baby and the whole family unit benefit.

It's a judgment-free zone.

Facebook moms' groups are notorious for turning a seemingly innocent question about bottle recommendations or nap schedules into an advice battle that leaves you uncertain and shamed. The Supported Mom Initiative's evidence-based curriculum was developed by the founders of NAPS™—two labor and delivery nurses and moms. Each group is a judgment-free zone in which we commit to the belief that there's no one right way to parent.

It's a safe space to get help.

Each group is a safe space to vent, celebrate, learn, and grow. Come as you are on the good days and the hard days—showers are optional! And if you're struggling, you can always, always come to me. While I'm not a therapist, I have an incredible network of therapists and other professionals with whom I can connect you for additional support with anything you're facing. I would be honored to be on your postpartum team.

Your village is waiting.

Supported Mom Initiative Press & Features